Sarum Evensong
This series of works needs a little explaining. It has turned out to be a (very) long term project that will probably be revised again and again. It will eventually comprise of about twenty individual pieces. About half have been completed to my satisfaction, a quarter I want to revise, and the rest still need a final touch.
Each section of the service of Evensong is interpreted with particular reference to the music and musicians of Salisbury Cathedral. For example, when Bernard Rose was a chorister here, he carved his initials in the door on the school. Many years later he wrote a set of Preces and Responses, so I used the concept of carving as a starting point for my version. In another example, I "set" David Halls' Psalm 150 in the shapes and colours that I see when I hear his setting, using the floor of the Quire as my background.

Responses (from Bernard Rose)

Psalm 150, David Halls

Magnificat (detail)

Lord of the dance

Voluntary, Rhapsody No. 2,
Herbert Howells
Preliminary study for Nunc dimittis,
Barry Ferguson